Wanderluff 2011

Wanderluff 2011
Mt. Rushmore National Monument, South Dakota

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mt. St. Helen National Monument and Mt. Rainier National Park

Mount St. Helens on a damp day.

Our stops at Mount St. Helens and Mt. Rainier were both very interesting and informative. Unfortunately, both of the volcanic mountains were shrouded with clouds on the days we were there. The visitor centers were excellent. We learned all about the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens and the impact it had on Washington. Effects of the eruption and giant lahar (mudslides) are still visible today.

The kids became Jr. Geologists!

Mt. Rainier is a 14,410 ft. volcanic peak that towers over eastern Washington. Although we were not able see the snow covered peak on our visit that day, we had a great hike at the Longmire visitor center on the Trail of Shadows. This trail took us around a meadow filled with natural mineral springs and through the old growth forest.

Mineral springs in the meadow that drew early visitors.

Mineral springs.

Old growth forest.

A deer visiting the meadow to feed.

The gray days allow ample time for school work!

Second grade on the road!


  1. Congratulations to the new JR Geologists !

    The Crettenand's

  2. Nice kelp rope to get ready for the Olympics!
    Jump kids, jump!
