Wanderluff 2011

Wanderluff 2011
Mt. Rushmore National Monument, South Dakota

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The View just barely fit.
We sped across the rest of South Dakota. Our fair weather had given way to driving wind and rain. We all began to think of home and only stopped for dinner and sleep in Minnesota and Wisconsin. We will have to return another day for exploration.

Our destination was in a Chicago neighborhood not far from Wrigley Field. Tom and his wife Thu graciously opened their home to us once we had wedged the Winnebago on the parking pad of the lot they own next door! Our first night was spent together with their children Nate and Maggie watching the Boston Bruins conquer the Vancouver Canucks in the final game of the Stanley Cup playoffs!

The following day, June 16, was Caroline's 8th birthday! We followed a tip from Tom and visited a German bakery to have her choose her cake for the evening's celebration! We spent the afternoon with Tom and the kids as he toured us around the city. We visited the Loop, the Willis tower, Millenium Park, and  Lakeshore Drive.
Nate is a future hockey player.

The famous home of the Chicago Cubs.

The Chicago River.

The famous Willis (formerly Sears) tower.

At the entrance of Millennium Park.

Tom and the boys.

At the concert amphitheater!

Looking in "the Bean" sculpture.

Tom helps Maggie try out the fountain.

Huge faces on the fountains.

Nate and Will cooling off!

The water fall.

The birthday girl gets ready for the celebration.

...and now the cake!

The gifts!

Relaxing with Maggie and Thu.

Will and Nate enjoying Scooby Doo.

Maggie seemed to enjoy the kids!

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