Wanderluff 2011

Wanderluff 2011
Mt. Rushmore National Monument, South Dakota

Monday, June 13, 2011

Yellowstone National Park,

The famous Yellowstone Arch!!!

The first national park in the US and world!!

We were all so excited to enter Yellowstone National Park! Created in 1872, Yellowstone became the world's first national park. It encompasses 2.2 million acres of parkland and we found it overwhelming!!! Our first stop was the Mammoth Hot Spring visitor center not far from the north entrance. 

The elk were lounging in the sun outside the visitor center on the green grass as we walked in to see the exhibit and the film about the park. The Mammoth Hot springs were incredible streaming terraces of travertine (calcium carbonate). The central portion of the park features the 30 by  45 mile caldera of an ancient active volcano. The earth's hot magma is actually only about 3 mi. under the crust of the earth in this area! The heat of the earth's core is evident through the geysers, hot springs, fumaroles, and mud pots!
Elk sunning themselves.

Travertine terraces at Mammoth.

The colors were fantastic.

More layers of travertine calcium.

Steaming streams were such a contrast to the snowy peaks!

Caroline adds Wyoming to the map!
Our second day was spent at the Old Faithful geyser and surrounding geyser basins. The bison were enjoying the green grass and warmer temperatures to graze and raise their calves. We had a chance to take in a Ranger program and learned more about the geothermal features of the park.

The Morning Glory Pool at the geyser basin.
Ranger Dot at Old Faithful.

Old Faithful!
Iconic bison roam the hot geyser basin.

The Fishing Bridge, Yellowstone River where our campground was located.
Mud pots bubbling were some of our favorites!
Huey and Walt from Wisconsin with Peter and Will.

The Dragon's Mouth.

Hot springs on the boardwalk.

Yellowstone Falls.

Grand Canyon of Yellowstone!

Our fifth time crossing the continental divide!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Friends !
    great to see you had fun in Yellowstone.
    Nice pictures !
    See you !
