Wanderluff 2011

Wanderluff 2011
Mt. Rushmore National Monument, South Dakota

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Glacier National Park, Montana

Bear sow and her two cubs!

Mountain goat.

The sun returned for the visit in Glacier.

Saint Mary Lake

View from the Going- to- the -Sun Road.

Going to the Sun Mountain (9,642 ft).

Saint Mary Lake from Sunrise Point.

We crossed from Canada into the United States through the Waterton-Glacier National Park. Sadly the US border patrol confiscated our new bag of clementines. We picked up a campsite at the KOA in St. Mary. Our host recommended an 8 mile drive into the park on Many Glaciers road to view some wildlife in the early evening. Our efforts were well rewarded! We saw 5 black bear, moose, mountain goats, big horn sheep all in a matter of an hour!

The sun returned for our second day in the park it was an excellent opportunity to dry out some of our wet gear. We were able to drive part way up the Going to the Sun Road until snow pack stopped our journey. The elevations in the park are well over 7,000 ft. and the cool temperatures this spring have kept the snow. We were able to hike around a point on MacDonald Lake on the Sunrise Trail.

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